The image of the Russian political elite in the video game «Metro Exodus»

  • S. I. Belov

    S. I. Belov. Lomonosov Moscow State University Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow. Russia


In the article, the images of the Russian political elite and power in Russia in the Metro universe, created by the writer Dmitry Glukhovsky. In this world, the action takes place in 2036 –20 years after the atomic war, when people who escaped in the Moscow metro decide to find other survivors, but on their way there are obstacles in the form of persons exposed by the authorities or serving its interests. In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that in the video game Metro Exodus the political elites of Russia of the future and
the countries of the post-Soviet space are shown to deceive the common population to the detriment of the interests of the representatives of the latter, church leaders hinder the development of society and use their position in selfish purposes, and the oligarchy, which exploits
the oil fields, monopolizes the income from natural resources and deprives the local population of civil rights. According to the scriptwriter of the game Dmitry Glukhovsky, the game draws direct parallels with modern Russia.
Keywords: video game, Metro, Metro Exodus, Dmitry Glukhovsky, political elite, power.
